मेकअप र सौन्दर्य ब्लग सोमबार चुराई, भौगोलिक। 526

So…what is the Monday Poll?

राम्रो प्रश्न! यो यसको नामको विपरित होइन, वास्तविक चुनावको विपरीत हो। यो केवल पाँच बढी वा कम अनियमित प्रश्नहरूको सूची हो जुन मैले विगतको गडबड वर्षहरूको लागि प्रत्येक अमान्य वर्षका लागि पोष्ट गर्दैछु (10 भन्दा बढी!)। I love reading your answers, and it helps me get my week off to a terrific start. नि?

1. What’s something you need help with right now?

If we’re talking big picture, then I really need help decluttering my house. First, I need someone to check me when I’m straightening things out and remind me that I can/should get rid of more stuff, because I’m a pack rat at heart. I’m also 1) sentimental, and 2) I always think I’m going to need “the thing” someday down the road, like one day I’ll just exclaim, “Oh! Where the heck did I put that Saucony shoe box?”

Short term help: breakfast. I wish someone (*ahem* Tabs) would make me a yummy, healthy Memorial Day breakfast.


2. What’s your outlook on lotion and moisturizing in general?

It’s absolutely. Essential.

If I don’t moisturize every inch of my body at least once per day, I will turn into this:

3. What’s your idea of a perfect Tuesday night?

OK, let me take you through it. El Hub gets home early from work, and we go to Taco Tuesday at Mi Pueblo Taqueria.


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

It’s always a good, easy time. It’s casual, simple, tasty and divine. We grab some tacos, have a couple beers, the baby devours her plate of beans and rice without fussing. Then, afterwards, we drive to Sephora and El Hub watches Connor while I browse for 20 uninterrupted minutes. Lastly, before heading home, we hit up See’s for chocolate.

Ah… That’s my dream Tuesday night. Oh, and hello! — I almost forgot the most important part. We go to bed at 9.

Taco. Tuesday.
4. You won a $5,000 shopping spree to the store of your choice! What store and why that one?

Hmm… This is a tough one, because I wanna say Pottery Barn, because I need furniture, but what furniture can you really get from Pottery Barn for $5K?? maybe two big pieces, if you’re lucky?

So I’ll go with Pier1, because when they have deep discounts on floor models, which is almost all the time, you can get some cute things at pretty good prices. Last time I went I saw a nine-drawer bedroom dresser on sale for $300, marked down from $900!

5. Quick: think of a happy memory. What was it?

Don’t laugh, but I almost cried when I found out that TJ’s had brought back their rose Oil Ultra Moisturizing Hand Cream. नि? I felt pure joy, LOL! I really did do a little happy dance in the middle of the store.

Happy Memorial Day

What’s the plan, Stan? When should we come over for the BARBECUE!? I’ll bring my corn ? salad, which was a big hit at the family barbecue yesterday.

I’m just sayin’… It’s really good.


Have a terrific day, whatever you’re up to.

तपाईंको मैत्रीपूर्ण छिमेकी सौन्दर्य लत,


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